Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Affiliate Marketing

Many people want to work from home and make more money, or want to have a supplemental income. Can the average person achieve this? The answer is yes. How then do you achieve this, and can the average person actually make money from home.

I will outline the most effective and proven method that is available today. Follow these outlines and you will create a simple regular income working from home. All links to the sites mentioned in the following article are to be found at the end of the article. So do not worry!

Okay, so how does it work? Well, the best way to make money is to sell someone else's product and take commission (become an affiliate). What is/are the best product (s) to sell? Believe it or not, products telling you how to make money from home are the best and easiest products to sell. Where do you find these products? Current best-selling program is 'Type-At-Home' followed by 'Paid Surveys etc.' you can find both these programs at Traffic Payouts (see link below). How exactly do you now go about selling these products, well there is really only one way, and that is you must create your own website. I know this may sound daunting, but it really is relatively easy and fairly cheap to produce a single page website, as that is all you need to achieve extra income. There are many sites on the Internet that offer the service of creating a cheap and simple website, just type 'build and create a simple website' into Google, and you will come across plenty of information! You will also need to pick a domain name, try to come up with something that is relevant to money making from home, or working from home.

When you have your website write a review of current work from home programs and money making schemes, and suggest that the programs you list on your website ('Type-At-Home' and 'Paid Surveys etc.') are the best available and you thoroughly recommend them. Describe the programs, together with a brief appraisal and insert your affiliate links (all information regarding affiliate links, together with banners and promotional material is available on the 'Traffic Payouts' website). When you have your website completed, together with all your affiliate links always check that everything is working correctly, and you will be well on your way to extra cash.

Next you have to drive traffic to your website, as this has to be genuine traffic, that is people who are realistically interested in money making, or working from home, you have to use proper PPC advertising (pay per click). Use Yahoo Search Marketing or Google Adwords. You will find that Yahoo is quite a bit cheaper than Google, so make sure you monitor your expenses against your sales carefully. As your campaign progresses, constantly tweak your keywords and keyword costs, to make most money ('Type-At-Home' converts at one to five per 100 clicks). As long as you keep your costs down and keep driving traffic to your site, you will sell products and make money.

For an example that will lead to Traffic Payouts website, containing, information, banners and the best selling affiliate money making programmes available on the internet see Money Or Debt
Andrew Murrayfield owns and operates scam review site Money Or Debt.

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